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Digital Thermometer

Outdoor thermometer Indoor thermometer thermometer indoor outdoor hygrometer Industrial thermometer infrared thermometer digital meat thermometer oven thermometer  cooking thermometer

thermometer-303.jpg thermometer hygrometer # 303

1. ℃/℉ temperature display.
2. Relative humidity and comfort display.
3. Temperature and relative humidity trend display.
4. Max/Min Temperature and relative humidity display
5. Temperature measure range: -20℃~50℃
6. Temperature resolution: 0.1℃
7. Temperature accuracy: ±1℃
8. Humidity measure range: 10%~95%RH
9. Humidity resolution: 1%
10. Humidity accuracy: ±5%RH
11. Measuring period: 20 sec
12. Power: 1.5V (AAA or 7# battery)

Rinch Industrial Co.,Limited

Address: Room302, building 17 No.35 Dedu Road, Baoshan, Shanghai China 200941

 Tel: 86-21-36300944 Fax:86-21-36300944 Email:

copyright:(digital thermometer china)
Outdoor thermometer Indoor thermometer thermometer indoor outdoor  hygrometer Industrial thermometer infrared thermometer digital meat thermometer oven thermometer  cooking thermometer